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Windows Command Utilities
The commands are not case-sensitive. In these examples they are expressed in uppercase or lowercase exactly the way they are expressed in Microsoft documentation.
The ARP command displays or modifies the Address Resolution Protocol tables mapping IP addresses to physical addresses (Ethernet, Token Ring, or other physical layer). The command has the following syntax:

[ -a IP_Addr [ -n [If_Addr]]
[ -d IP_Addr]
[ -s IP_Addr mac_addr [If_Addr]]

a Displays the current ARP entries. If the IP_Addr is not specified, only the IP address and the physical address for the specified computer are listed.
n Displays the ARP address for all the network interfaces specified by If_Addr.
d Deletes the specified entry listed by IP_addr.
s Adds an entry to the ARP cashe
macr_Addr Specifies a single physical address.
If_Addr Identifies, if it exists the IP address of the interface whose address-translation table will be modified. By default, if the IP address is not present, the first applicable interface is used.
IP_Addr Specifies the IP address in decimal notation.
The HOSTNAME command displays the name of the current host.
The IPCONFIG diagnostic command lists all the current TCP/IP network configuration settings. When you are using DHCP this command shows the settings that were set when the server was originally installed. Without any parameters, the IPCONFIG command displays TCP/IP, DHS, WINS, IP addresses and subnet mask values.

The following switches and options are defined for the IPCONFIG command:

/All Produces a complete display. Without the parameter the IP command displays only the IP address, subnet mask and default network values for each network card.
/Renew [Adapter] This command resets the DHCP configuration settings. If your client is not using DHCP services, this command will have no effect. To specify a particular adapter, include the adapter name.
/Release [Adapter] Releases the current DHCP settings. This option disables the TCP/IP from the specified local host. To specify a particular adapter, include the adapter name.
The PING utility is used to verify the availability and reachability of other IP devices through TCP/IP networking. PING can be used to diagnose and identify network hardware or IP configuration problems and incompatibilities.

The following switches and options are defined for the PING command:

Remote_Computer The DNS hostname or IP address of the remote computer.
t This is the number of seconds that this node waits for a ICMP echo reply from a remote computer. The range is from 1 to 300 seconds; the default is 20 seconds. When the t option is used without specifying a time period, PING continues until interrupted.
a resolves the addresses to hostnames.
n count The n signifies the number of times the PING sends an echo request to the remote computer. The default is four echo requests. Each echo request is separated by one second.
l length Sends out data packets containing the amount of data specified by the “Length” value. The default is 64 bytes; the maximum is 8,192 bytes.
f This option sends a “Do Not Fragment” flag in the packet. The packet is not fragmented by any gateways en route to its destination.
I ttl Sets the “Time to Live” value in the TCP/IP packet.
v tos Selects the type of service field value as specified by the tos command.
r Count Records the route of outgoing packets and all returning packets in the “Record Route” field. A minimum of one and a maximum of nine hosts must be specified by the “count” value.
s count This option determines the timestamp for the number of hops as specified by the “Count” value.
j Hostlist Routes packets via the list of hosts specified by the “Hostlist”. Consecutive hosts can be separated by intermediate gateways. This is known as “loose source routing”. The maximum number allowed by IP is nine
k Hostlist Routes packets via the list of hosts specified in “Hostlist”. Consecutive hosts cannot be separated by intermediate gateways. This is also known as “strict host routing”. The maximum number allowed by IP is nine.
w Timeout Specifies the timeout interval in milliseconds.
Destination-list This option specifies the remote hosts to PING.
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